配料罐 Ingredients tank 概述: 该系列配料罐(调配罐/搅拌罐)为单层、立式结构的卫生洁净型容器设备。是制药、生物工程、食品、饮料、果酒、调味品、精细化工、油脂等行业中常用的中间缓冲、储液、搅拌、调配设备(在物料无须加热可调配均匀的的状态下,该设备为最经济实用)。并可按工艺需要增加保温结构。 结构特性: 可在线CIP清洗(仅适用于全封闭结构);按照卫生级要求设计,结构设计极具人性化,操作方便。传动平稳,噪音低,适宜的径高比设计。按需定制搅拌装置,搅拌、调配效果好。罐体内表面镜面抛光处理(粗糙度 Ra≤0.4µm)。各进出管口、视镜、人孔等工艺开孔与罐体焊接处均采用拉伸翻边工艺圆弧过渡,光滑易清洗无死角,保证生产过程的可靠性、稳定性,符合“GMP”等规范要求。 Overview: The seriesof batchingtank(deployment of tanks/mixing tank) for thesingle, verticalstructure of thetype ofclean and hygienic containerequipment. That often used of the middle buffer, liquid storage, mixing, blending equipment applied in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food, beverage,wine,spices, fine chemicals, oil and other industries (In the state of the material can be deployed with no heating,that is the most economical and practical device). In accordance with the process requirements mayincreasewith theinsulationprocess. The structural characteristics: CIP cleaning is available online(only for closed structure). In accordance with the sanitary requirements of the design, structural design is humane, easy to operate. Smooth transmission, low noise, the appropriate design of diameter height ratio. Customize mixing device on-demand, mix and blend effectly. Mirror-polished surface of tank body(roughness Ra≤0.4μm). Each access orifice, as a mirror, manhole process such as opening process connected with tank welding place smooth and easy to clean, no dead ends, to ensure the reliability, stability of the production process, in line with "GMP" and other regulatory requirements. 产品参数
要技术参数The main technical parameters: