反渗透设备 Reverse osmosis equipment 工作原理:反渗透亦称逆渗透(RO)。是用足够的压力使溶液中的溶剂(通常指水)通过反渗透膜(或称半透膜)分离出来,因为它和自然渗透的方向相反,故称反渗透。根据各种物料的不同渗透压,从而达到分离、提取、纯化和浓缩的目的。 应用范围: 可用于太空水、纯净水、蒸馏水、锅炉补给水的制备;酒类及降度用水的制造;医药、电子等行业 用水的前期制备;化工工艺中的浓缩、分离、提纯;海水、苦咸水的淡化;造纸、电镀、印染等行业的废水处理。 Working principle Reverse osmosis also called reverse osmosis (RO). With enough pressure to solution of solvents (usually refers to water) through reverse-osmosis membrane (or called a semipermeable membrane) isolated. Its penetration and the natural penetration are in opposite directions, so called reverse osmosis. According to different osmotic pressure of various material, thus achieved the separation, purification and concentration of extraction and purpose. Application scope:Can be used for preparation of space water, distilled water and purified water boiler make-up water. Alcohol manufacturing and lower degree of water.The prophase preparation of water in pharmaceutical and electronic industries, etc..Chemical process of concentration, separation and purification and distribute water preparation.Seawater desalination, md.The treatment of wastewater in papermaking, electro plating, printing then the other industry etc. (Pictures for reference only.). 产品参数
主要技术参数The main technical parameters: