概述: 1、性能优异:此复合材料生产的沼气罐质轻、高强、耐水、耐压、耐腐蚀、使用寿命长,水气封闭性能好,抗压试验符合国家要求。 2、安装简单:不用封口,安装快捷。 3、灵活性好:可在不同的地形、地质复杂的地方安装使用,可异地搬迁,运输。 4、技术创新:彻底消除了传统沼气池建池成本高,建池周期长,渗水漏气,受气温影响产气不均衡等弊端。适应于在短时间内进行大规模推广应用,是现代沼气建设发展的方向。 5、产气量大:6立方罐相当于传统沼气池10立方的产气量,10立方罐相当于传统沼气池24立方的产气量。 6、产品规格:5、10、20、50、80、100、150、200、300、500立方(规格大小可根据客户要求非标准设计定做)。 Product features: 1. And the outstanding performance: this composite material production of methane tank is qualitative light, high strength, water resistant, compression, anti-corrosive, long service life, hydrosphere sealing performance is good, compression test conforms to the national requirements. 2. Installation is simple: don't sealing, fast installation. 3. Flexibility good: but in different topography and geology complicated area, can install and use different moving, transportation. 4. Technology innovation: thoroughly eliminate the traditional digester built high cost, built pool pool cycle is long, ooze water leakage, affected by temperature influence produce gas to the imbalance of the drawbacks. Adapted to in a short time for large-scale promotion application, it is modern methane construction development direction. 5. Gas production big: 6 cubic cans equivalent to traditional digester 10 cubic meters of gas production, 10 cubic cans equivalent to traditional digester 24 cubic meters of gas production. 6. Product specification: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 80, 200 and 300 to 500 cubic (The different size may be based on customer demand non-standard design customized)(Pictures for reference only ).